Effect of Preparation Conditions on the Quality and Antioxidant Activity of Half-dried Mushrooms

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  • 調製条件の異なる半乾燥キノコの茹で加熱調理時における品質及び抗酸化性の検討
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We examined whether mushrooms in a half-dried state are efficiently ingested. Shiitake, Shimeji, and Maitake (Hen of the Woods) mushroom samples were initially half-dried under various conditions (sun drying; machine drying) and then blanched in boiling water. Comparison of dried and non-dried mushrooms showed that the weight and apparent surface area of dried samples after blanching were significantly decreased compared with non-dried samples. The amount of free amino acids increased in the Maitake samples. Furthermore, in machine-dried Maitake samples, bitter-tasting free amino acids increased, and so did the amount of vitamin D2 in sun-dried Maitake samples. The half-dried Shiitake and Maitake samples showed relatively high levels of antioxidant activity. We concluded that for half-dried mushroom samples blanched in boiling water, sun-drying treatment may be preferable.


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