
  • 尾崎 倫孝
    北海道大学・院・保 健康イノベーションセンター生体分子・機能イメージング部門 北海道大学・院・保 生体応答制御医学分野
  • 芳賀 早苗
    北海道大学・院・保 健康イノベーションセンター生体分子・機能イメージング部門
  • 小澤 岳昌
  • 森田 直樹
  • 浜田 俊幸
    北海道大学・院・保 健康イノベーションセンター生体分子・機能イメージング部門


  • Evaluation and regulation cellular/organ functions by optic technology



To develop an effective organ/cell preservation method and to monitor post-transplant graft function continuously and non-invasively, an innovative optic technology to visualize cell/organ function seems to be useful. We have developed some optic probes to visualize regulated cell death (apoptosis, necroptosis, pyroptosis), redox states and cellular stresses, pH and cellular antigens in deeper lesions of the organ. In the hepatic ischemia/reperfusion model of mice, we successfully imaged liver oxidative stress (by redox-sensitive GFP) and apoptosis (by caspase-3 activity) non-invasively and chronologically in a single mouse. We also developed a unique tool to visualize intracellular pH and succeeded in imaging dynamic changes of pH in a mouse posterior limb ischemia/reperfusion model. We are also developing the new devices for tissue/organ imaging. We are trying to monitor the optic signals chronologically and track the lesions in the body by developing light sensor and multiple CCD camera system, which can be used in endoscopic examination and surgical operation. It is still on a way, but this kind of technology will definitely provide a new avenue toward effective and non-invasive surgical therapy in the future.


  • Organ Biology

    Organ Biology 24 (2), 207-211, 2017

    一般社団法人 日本臓器保存生物医学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

