An Aspect of the Katari Narratives by Women : Around the Sekkyo Narrative, Matsura Chyoja(<Feature Articles>The Possibility of Criticism on Feminism)

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  • 女の語りの一側面 : 説経『まつら長者』を軸に(<特集>フェミニズム批評の可能性)
  • 女の語りの一側面--説経「まつら長者」を軸に
  • オンナ ノ カタリ ノ イチソクメン セッキョウ マツ ラ チョウジャ オ ジ

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Sayohime continues to exist from ancient times through the Middle Ages. This type of story, which resembles Homyo Doji in the Muromachi Era and becomes the matrix of Tsubosaka Monogatari and Okujoruri music, consists of a number of arrative elements that survive the Middle Ages. Each of the elements reflects an aspect of Katari narrative. The way "Monogatari" and "Katari" involve each other and yet, at the same time, are in connict is discussed. While pursuing "Nyonin Ojo" in Hokekyo as the central topic, feminine literature is discussed.


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