The Actual Situation of the Unit of Work in the Third Decade of Showa Period―A Focus on “Functional Theory of Japanese Language Education” by Masao NAKAZAWA―

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<p>In this paper, I exmined the actual situation of the unit of work in the third decade of the Showa period, focusing on Masao NAKAZAWA's theory.</p><p>His theory, called “functional theory of Japanese language education”, foucused on value production. The value production is to think about subjects and topics through reading teaching materials. As a result, it was decided to organize a unit of work incorporating reading that was considered as at the time.</p><p>However, the theory was not shared satisfactorily. Value production should be done with multiple teaching materials. However, in textbooks NAKAZAWA cooperated in editing, it was only an action by a single teaching material. As a result, it can be said that this theory was absorbed by the flow of the emphasis on reading comprehension.</p>


  • kokugokakyouiku

    kokugokakyouiku 82 (0), 15-23, 2017

    Japanese Teaching Society of Japan

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