1A1-O01 曲がり角におけるサービスロボットと人との衝突防止に関する研究 : 第二報:歩行者の特性に基づく衝突回避軌道の提案と評価(ホーム&オフィスロボット)


  • 1A1-O01 A study of collision avoidance at corner between the service robot and the human : Second Report: the proposal and evaluation of service robot's collision avoidance trajectory considered human's behavior(Robots for Home/Office Application)


In everyday life, the collision between people sometimes occurs at the coroner. We need to solve the problem which is the collision at the corner between the service robot and the human to spread robots to the society. The purpose of this study is to prevent this problem. We, therefore, aim to make a robot's movement trajectory to prevent the collision. In the first report, we analyzed the human behavior, for example, walking velocity, walking path, walker's visibility at corner, distance to stop from the recognition. And, we considered the service robot's collision avoidance trajectory. In this paper, we propose and evaluate the service robot's collision avoidance trajectory.


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