リン脂質結合大豆ペプチドのラットに対するコレステロール低減作用  クロスオーバー試験,添加量依存性,ならびに他素材との比較


  • Cholesterol-Lowering Effects of Soy Protein Peptic Hydrolysate with Bound Phospholipids in Rats. Cross-over Test, Dose-Response Test, and Comparison with Materials Possessing Cholesterol-Lowering Effects.
  • リン シシツ ケツゴウ ダイズ ペプチド ノ ラット ニ タイスル コレステロール テイゲン サヨウ クロスオーバー シケン テンカリョウ イゾンセイ ナラビニ タ ソザイ ト ノ ヒカク
  • Cross-over Test, Dose-Response Test, and Comparison with Materials Possessing Cholesterol-Lowering Effects
  • クロスオーバー試験, 添加量依存性, ならびに他素材との比較



Soy protein peptic hydrolysate with bound phospholipids (SPHP) was studied for its cholesterol-lowering effects in 5-week-old male Wistar rats. The crude SPHP (c-SPHP) was prepared by neutral proteolysis of isolated soy protein and lysophospholipid complex, and the SPHP was defined as the high-molecular weight fraction of c-SPHP. The SPHP prevented hypercholesterolemia dose-dependently, and both SPHP and c-SPHP dose-dependently aided recovery from hypercholesterolemia in rats fed a diet containing 0.5% cholesterol for 9 days. The c-SPHP was more effective for recovery from hyperlipidemia and fatty liver in rats compared with partially hydrolyzed sodium alginate, indigestible dextrin, chitosan, and isolated soy protein, which are known to be cholesterol-lowering materials, when added at 5% to a diet containing 0.5% cholesterol.


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