Study on Simple Vibration Control for Small-Size Helicopter with Slung Load System (Experiment Based Studies of the Vibration Control on Hovering)

  • SONOBE Motomichi
    Institute of Technology and Science, The University of Tokushima
  • MIWA Masafumi
    Institute of Technology and Science, The University of Tokushima
  • HINO Junichi
    Institute of Technology and Science, The University of Tokushima

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Other Title
  • 小型ヘリコプタにおける吊り下げ物体の簡易振動制御に関する研究(ホバリング時の振動制御の実験的検討)


This paper describes a simple vibration suppression control method for a small-size helicopter with slung load system. The vibration suppression control for slung load is essential to improve stability of the flight because weight of a helicopter is relatively light. In past studies, the subject is analyzed by using the model which is a couple of rigid bodies containing a helicopter and a slung load, and controlled by state feedback combined with some sort of estimators. It requires accurate model and system parameters. However it is difficult for general users to build an appropriate model and to identify system parameters in terms of small-size helicopters. In this work we develop a simple control method which superposes vibration control of slung load on postural control of helicopter. By using delayed feedback, we can suppress the vibration without using state feedback in hovering situation. Furthermore, we will demonstrate a technique designing control parameters and verify the effectiveness by experiments.



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