The Fluctuation of Mutagenicity in the Process of Manufacturing an Acid Hydrolyzed Animal Protein.

  • REN Huifeng
    Department of Food Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Fisheries Heilongjiang Commercial Collage
  • WANG Yajun
    Heilongjiang Commercial Collage
  • HAYASHI Tetsuhito
    Department of Food Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Fisheries

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  • 酸加水分解エキス製造工程における変異原性の消長
  • サン カスイブンカイ エキス セイゾウ コウテイ ニ オケル ヘンイゲンセイ ノ ショウチョウ

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Mutagenicity found in a hydrolyzed animal protein (HAP) was analyzed on the samples collected along with the manufacturing process at some major HAP companies. Considerably high mutagenicity observed just after acid hydrolysis was decreased gradually by filtration with activated clay, alkaline treatment for 3-chloro-1, 2-propane diol (MCP) elimination, and activated charcoal treatment for decolorizing of the final product. Mutagenicity in the final product was below detection limit by forward mutation assay with Salmonella typhimurium TM 677 and was determined to be negative. This evidence suggested that the product tested in this study was safe for human consumption as commercially available seasonings. Extractability to four organic solvents suggested that the mutagen(s) transferred from hydrolysed protein to activated charcoal could be high polar, halogenated, or heterocyclic compounds.



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