The Influence of Skin Processing on Mechanical and Mastication Properties of Takuan (Pickled Radish)
- Ooyama Takahiro
- Industrial Technology Center of Tochigi Prefecture
- Akutsu Satomi
- Industrial Technology Center of Tochigi Prefecture
- Ito Kazuko
- Industrial Technology Center of Tochigi Prefecture
- Watanabe Tsuneo
- Industrial Technology Center of Tochigi Prefecture
- Yamazaki Kimii
- Industrial Technology Center of Tochigi Prefecture
- Kohyama Kaoru
- National Food Research Institute, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 皮を加工したたくあんの力学および咀嚼特性解析
- カワ オ カコウ シタ タクアン ノ リキガク オヨビ ソシャク トクセイ カイセキ
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The mechanical and mastication properties of takuan (pickled radish) which is difficult to eat by the elderly, were examined for textural properties by mechanical and electromyography (EMG) techniques. Three kinds of takuans with different skin processing, such as one without any processing, one having small cuts on the skin and one whose skin being removed, were used for the test. The takuan with small cuts showed the minimum breaking load in a mechanical test. The EMG tests showed significantly higher number of chewing strokes and chewing time in the elderly subjects compared to the younger ones. However, chewing cycle, EMG amplitude and muscle activity per chew showed opposite trend. Among the above-mentioned processed takuans, samples without skin indicated the lowest burden on chewing because EMG parameters such as the chewing strokes, chewing time, EMG duration and muscle activity per chew showed the significantly small value. The results further suggested that the data of muscle potential amplitude showed a significant difference only in the elderly and the influence of the skin processing was different between the elderly and the young and that the effect of skin processing was significant only in the elderly.
- Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi
Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi 57 (6), 232-237, 2010
Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282681385671296
- NII Article ID
- 10026411076
- NII Book ID
- AN10467499
- 18816681
- 1341027X
- 10707272
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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