乾のりの品質保持に関する研究 V  各種水分活性下における乾のりの香気,とくに硫化ジメチルの発生量について


  • Flavor of Dried laver “Nori” at Different Water Activities, with Special Reference to Dimethyl Sulfide Production
  • カクシュ スイブン カッセイカ ニ オケル ホシノリ ノ コウキ トクニ リュ



The flavor of dried laver “Nori”, Porphyra yezoensis which was stored for 10 days under different water activities at 20°C, was studied by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC).<br> By the head space gas analysis a single peak which was found on GLC equipped with the flame photometric detector, was identified as dimethyl sulfide (DMC).<br> The amount of DMS production was dependent on water activity (aω); DMS was slightly detected at lower aω than 0.2, but abruptly increased above aω 0.3.<br> Some parallelisms were found between DMS production and organoleptic evaluation, that is, while no flavor was felt at aω 0 or 0.1, off-flavor was recognized at higher aω than 0.4.<br> Some peaks were also found on GLC through the flame ionization detector, and the changes of these GLC patterns were also related to water activity.<br> From these results, it was suggested that the flavor of “Nori” can be preserved most effectively at aω below 0.1, and that its quality can be judged from the extent of DMS production.


  • 日本水産学会誌

    日本水産学会誌 49 (11), 1717-1720, 1983

    公益社団法人 日本水産学会


詳細情報 詳細情報について

