

  • Effect of an Eight-week Restriction of Energy Intake on the Body Composition and Serum Lipid Levels in Overweight Subjects.
  • 8シュウカン ノ セッシュ エネルギー セイゲン ガ カタイジュウ ボランティア ノ カラダ ソセイ ト ケッチュウ シシツ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ



As a means to improve the physical condition of individuals with improper dietary habits that are responsible for lifestyle-related diseases, the newly developed weight-control diet, ZO-S00, was given as one meal per day to nineteen male subjects (average age of 46.7 years) with a body mass index above 24.2. The energy intake of the subjects was maintained for eight weeks at 30-35kcal per kg of body weight (group I) or at 25-29kcal per kg of body weight (group II) as calculated on the basis of the standard body weight (body mass index of 22.0).<br>The body mass index and body fat of the group II subjects were significantly reduced from 25.5±1.0 to 24.1±1.1 and from 18.2±2.4kg to 16.5±2.8kg, respectively, after eight weeks.<br>The total serum cholesterol and serum triacylglyceride levels of the group II subjects were also significantly decreased from 218±37mg/dl to 194±30mg/dl and from 157±111mg/dl to 99±43mg/dl, respectively, reaching normal levels after administering this diet for eight weeks.<br>These results show that a restriction of energy intake is useful to improve such physical conditions as the body weight and serum lipid levels.


  • 栄養学雑誌

    栄養学雑誌 58 (3), 125-130, 2000

    特定非営利活動法人 日本栄養改善学会

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