音楽による共生の学び:教員養成課程における フルート集団授業を通したナラティヴ研究


  • Kyosei no manabi by means of music: Narrative inquiry in the process of group flute class in university teacher training course
  • オンガク ニ ヨル キョウセイ ノ マナビ : キョウイン ヨウセイ カテイ ニ オケル フルート シュウダン ジュギョウ オ トオシタ ナラティヴ ケンキュウ



This study investigates how music education major students at a university experience flow in the process of group flute learning as a part of teacher training courses in Japan. First, the study explores the theoretical framework of kyosei no manabi by means of music, followed by the section to describe Cikszentmihaly’s flow theory and of its application to observe learners’ flow experience in the context of music education practice. Finally, the narrative of 5 beginner flute students, including researcher, gives an account of learner’s reflections on their flow experience. The study revealed that individual learners’ flow experience changes overtime and music intrinsically motivates each learner to interact with each other and to construct kyosei no manabi.


  • 共生科学

    共生科学 6 (6), 29-42, 2015


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