Aboveground net primary production and nitrogen use of 140-year-old Cryptomeria japonica plantation: comparison with an unsuccessful plantation dominated by naturally regenerated broad-leaved species
- Enoki Tsutomu
- Division of Forest Environmental Science, Department of Agro-environmental Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
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- 140年生スギ人工林における地上部純一次生産と窒素利用:天然更新した広葉樹が優占する不成績造林地との比較
- 140ネンセイ スギ ジンコウリン ニ オケル チジョウブ ジュンイチジ セイサン ト チッソ リヨウ : テンネン コウシン シタ コウヨウジュ ガ ユウセンスル フセイセキ ゾウリンチ ト ノ ヒカク
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To clarify the aboveground net primary production and nitrogen use of old plantation and secondary broad-leaved forest, we compared a 140-year-old Cryptomeria japonica plantation with an adjacent secondary forest that had been established by natural regeneration of broad-leaved tree after the unsuccessful plantation. The aboveground biomass of the plantation expressed positive value of growth rate, suggesting that the aboveground biomass function as a carbon sink. The aboveground biomass of the secondary forest was smaller than that of the plantation, and accordingly, the growth rate and aboveground net primary production were also lower. The difference may be related to the difference in the site fertility and the difference in resource use between C. japonica and broad-leaved trees. On the other hand, the results of this study also suggest that the effects of natural disturbance such as typhoons and snow accretion damage were significant. It is considered that prediction and risk management of disturbance are important for the long-term management of forests in areas with high frequency of disturbance.
- 九州大学農学部演習林報告
九州大学農学部演習林報告 103 1-6, 2022-03-29
The Kyushu University Forests
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390291932641602816
- NII Book ID
- AN00055178
- 10.15017/4776826
- 2324/4776826
- 032095979
- 04530284
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
- NDL Search
- Abstract License Flag
- Allowed