食中毒細菌Persisterの重要性, ストレス耐性とその制御について

  • 益田 時光
    九州大学大学院農学研究院 生命機能科学部門 食料化学工学講座 食品衛生化学研究室


  • The recognition, control, and stress tolerance of bacterial persister cells
  • 食中毒細菌Persisterの重要性,ストレス耐性とその制御について(令和4年度日本食品科学工学会奨励賞)
  • ショクチュウドク サイキン Persister ノ ジュウヨウセイ,ストレス タイセイ ト ソノ セイギョ ニ ツイテ(レイワ 4ネンド ニホン ショクヒン カガク コウガッカイ ショウレイショウ)



<p>Bacterial persister cells are metabolically dormant cells in which cell activities such as protein synthesis and cell division are somehow drastically slowed down, so that they can survive under intensive antibiotic treatment that targets such cell activities. This review summarizes information about persister cells such as their history, definition, mechanism of formation, threats to clinical environments, and how to control them. In addition to such information, this review also introduces our recent studies on the physical stress tolerance of persister cells and their possible control in food environments. We demonstrated that some bacterial persister cells are indeed highly heat and acid tolerant compared to normal cells, although diversity was discovered in persister cell populations. We also found that indole and its derivatives or acetic acid are promising candidates for persister cell eradication in food environments. We believe that this review will aid in wider attention to and understanding of the importance of these quiet yet clever bacterial persister cells.</p>


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