Corporateor-University-Bank collaboration Development of commercial dressing


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  • 産金学連携 市販ドレッシングの開発


<p>[Purpose] In response to the dressing development request, I challenged my graduation exercises again.</p><p>Explore the process from collaboration with Company I, Company N, Bank Y, and University to commercialization and future activities.</p><p>[Method] (1) In March 2017, 7 types of dressings were selected after a tasting session for 4 students and 20 handmade dressings, and 3 more samples were created. (2) The tasting session was held again in July, and one type was decided, but at the tasting session, it was decided to sample by changing the amount of sesame seeds. (3) A tasting session for viscosity adjustment was held in September, and research and commercialization of vegetables suitable for dressing were decided. (4) The sample was judged to be popular at the school festival held in October. (5) We examined catch copy of vegetable salad in December and decided logo. Samples of commercial salads were completed in January of the following year, and the company began to operate, and from March two types of salads were launched at O supermarkets in Yamanashi and Nagano prefectures. In addition, it has been sold at a convenience store from about 1000 ministops from June.[Result] From the previous reflection, Company I changed the seasoning company to Company N for economic reasons. Also, the teacher set the students' tasting days early on to solve the problem. This time, collaboration with companies and collaboration between students and two companies were smooth. It is good for students to take the lead in thinking about the types of vegetable salads and catch copies, as selling only with dressings is weak as a sales strategy.</p><p>[Conclusion] The close collaboration between the two companies and students was a good result. I reaffirmed the importance of mutual discussion and trust. Through practical activities, students were able to learn about the difficulty of making products and the importance of collaboration with each other.</p>


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