- Tokyo seiei college
- Ochanomizu University
- OHISHI Kyoko
- Wayo Women’s University
- KASAI Midori
- Ochanomizu University
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- 調味料を添加して炊飯した米飯の圧縮米飯粒を用いた初期老化の評価
- チョウミリョウ オ テンカ シテ スイハン シタ ベイハン ノ アッシュク ベイハンリュウ オ モチイタ ショキ ロウカ ノ ヒョウカ
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<p>Previously, we presented a novel method for evaluating the early staling of cooked white rice using spectrophotometric and image analyses of squashed cooked rice grains to a certain thickness. Here, we used this new method to evaluate seasoned cooked rice. Concerning the physical properties, salt-seasoned cooked rice was staler than unseasoned rice, and vinegar-seasoned cooked rice was less stale. Seasoning cooked rice with mixed vinegar (a mixture of sugar, salt, and vinegar) caused staling similar to that observed upon vinegar-seasoning, suggesting that even when salt and sugar coexist, vinegar strongly influences the staling of cooked rice. In the measurement of squashed cooked rice grains, Ratio of White Areaα130 , which was calculated from the ratio of the area of gray value 130 or less in a gray-scale image, and L* for salt-seasoned cooked rice were higher after refrigeration for 14 h, and vinegar- and mixed vinegar-seasoned cooked rice exhibited lower values than unseasoned cooked rice. High correlation coefficients were observed between L* and Ratio of White Areaα130 and sensory evaluation results. Thus, we demonstrate that the L* value and Ratio of white Areaα130 of squashed cooked rice grains can indicate early staling of seasoned and unseasoned cooked rice.</p>
- Journal of Cookery Science of Japan
Journal of Cookery Science of Japan 53 (3), 187-196, 2020-06-05
The Japan Society of Cookery Science
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390566775140094592
- NII Article ID
- 130007854015
- NII Book ID
- AN10471022
- 21865787
- 13411535
- 030474263
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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