書物と寺社参詣 : 旅の往来物の分析から


  • Books and Pilgrimage to Temples and Shrines : Based on Analysis of Oraimono Textbooks on Travel
  • ショモツ ト ジシャ サンケイ タビ ノ オウライモノ ノ ブンセキ カラ




The study of Oraimono textbooks was started by pioneering achievements such as the “Classified catalog of Oraimono” edited by Kintaro Okamura, the “Outline of Japanese Textbooks - Oraimono” edited by Ken Ishikawa and Matsutaro Ishikawa, and the “Formation and Development of Oraimono” written by Matsutaro Ishikawa. These works mainly studied the formation process and genealogy of Oraimono textbooks. It was not until the publication of a series of academic works from the year 2000 that the social role of Oraimono textbooks drew the attention of researchers. However, the studies have never departed from the viewpoint of educational history or the fixed concept of “textbooks for educating common people.” Therefore, the Oraimono textbooks of the “pilgrimage type” studied in this article have also been evaluated as merely a 'temporary fad that got on the traveling boom of“ Dochu Hizakurige”.'In this sense, the study of the social role of Oraimono textbooks still has considerable potential.Thus, this article focuses on Oraimono textbooks published in Edo and divides them into periods as follows: the first period (Meiwa to Kansei Periods) , the second period (Kansei 6 to Bunka 10) , the third period (Bunsei 4 and following) , the fourth period (Bunsei 5 and following) , and the fifth period (Tenpo 3 and following) . The regular Oraimono textbooks published in Kyoto and Osaka were published in Edo in the first period, while the original books were published in the second and fourth periods. The books published in the previous periods were recycled in the third and fifth periods. In the second period, books were published with a relatively liberal concept, but in the fourth period, guidebooks and geographical books were already overflowing among the public, and differentiation from other books was necessary. There were also many easy publications that diverted other books such as that of Juppen Ikku. The popularity of authors rather than the contents was used to sell books.During the Kansei Period when Oraimono textbooks of the pilgrimage type appeared, there were almost no books capable of responding to the“ popularization of traveling” except in three major cities. Oraimono textbooks were used as practical works for traveling, while the value of Oraimono textbooks of the “pilgrimage type” was also enhanced by adding practical information such as benefits, Kaido (highway) maps, etc. to the body texts. Moreover, Oraimono textbooks of the “pilgrimage type” also played a “geographical” role in first-time visits to many regions, hence contributing to the local education of geography, and helping create a major historical trend of geographical books edited by local residents in later years.



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