構成主義的社会科授業における「教室でのコミュニケーション展開」の実証的考察 - 思考の異種性を可視化する資料の工夫を通して -


  • コウセイ シュギテキ シャカイカ ジュギョウ ニ オケル 「 キョウシツ デ ノ コミュニケーション テンカイ 」 ノ ジッショウテキ コウサツ : シコウ ノ イシュセイ オ カシカ スル シリョウ ノ クフウ オ トオシテ
  • Empirical Study of “Communication Development in the Classroom" in Constructivist Social Studies Class - Through the Ingenuity of the Material to Visualize the Heterogeneity of Thinking -





Through the case analysis of the interactive solving process that utilizes the "material that promotes visualization of the heterogeneity of thinking" in the social studies class, the purpose of this study, empirical "Communication development in the classroom" in constructivist social studies class it is intended to be discussed. Currently, the study of social studies lesson constructivist approach has been advanced, but the differences between the problem-solving learning of conventional ambiguous, research that is positioned as the improvement in many cases. In this study, from the analysis "heterogeneity of thought" and "language game", Professor of conventional - on which to consider the approach of Yamazumi tried the conversion of learning relationship, and showed its practical issues, social studies lesson I went a case analysis of the interactive solving process that utilizes the "material that promotes visualization of the heterogeneity of thinking" in the. The incorporation in the article element video, picture, word, number, and tried as well to ensure the use of psychological tools individuality of each person, and Engaging Our inter-related on the basis of the information asymmetry.




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