Jomon Potteries from the Kasori shell mound in the Gyokusen-kan Collection: Study Ⅱ of archaeological materials in the Gyokusen-kan Collection
- FUKUNAGA Masahiro
- The Kyushu University Museum
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- Other Title
- 玉泉館旧蔵の加曽利貝塚縄文土器資料 : 玉泉館旧蔵資料の研究Ⅱ
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This paper reports on the Jomon pottery materials from the Kasori shell mound located in Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture, among the Gyokusen-kan Collection in the Kyushu University Museum. The Kasori shell mound is composed of two large shell middens (north and south shell middens) of different main periods. The results of the analysis of the pottery indicated that it may have been excavated or collected from the northern shell middens in Kasori shell mound, where the shell middens were formed mainly during the Kasori E type in the latter half of the Middle Jomon period.
- 九州大学総合研究博物館研究報告
九州大学総合研究博物館研究報告 20 31-48, 2023-03-31
The Kyushu University Museum
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390577133286086400
- NII Book ID
- AA11909273
- 10.15017/6777060
- 2324/6777060
- 13483080
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
- Abstract License Flag
- Allowed