Study of freshman assignment submission behavior as seen in the report resubmission method in academic report instructions

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  • アカデミックレポート指導における再提出方式にみる学生の課題提出行動の考察
  • アカデミックレポート シドウ ニ オケル サイテイシュツ ホウシキ ニ ミル ガクセイ ノ カダイ テイシュツ コウドウ ノ コウサツ

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In this study, I consider how the report resubmission method is perceived by students and what kind of impact it has on their assignment submission behavior. In order to explore this concern, students’ learning records on college Learning Management System and the results of the questionnaire survey “Learning in Study Skills” are examined. As a result of this study, it was found that the report resubmission method was supported by most of the students and was effectively used in their learnings. In conclusion, it can be said that the resubmission method is useful not only for facilitating students’ knowledge and skill learning, but also for cultivating their sense of values as lifelong learners.


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