Evaluation of Transmitted X-ray Spectrum, Lead Equivalent, and Uniformity of Radiation Protective Clothing Made of Lead-containing and Lead-free Materials

  • Yano Yuji
    Division of Medical Quantum Science, Department of Health Science, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kyushu University
  • Fujibuchi Toshioh
    Division of Medical Quantum Science, Department of Health Science, Faculty of Medical Science, Kyushu University
  • Arakawa Hiroyuki
    Division of Medical Quantum Science, Department of Health Science, Faculty of Medical Science, Kyushu University

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  • 含鉛および無鉛素材の放射線防護衣における透過X線スペクトルや鉛当量,均一度の評価
  • ガンエン オヨビ ムエン ソザイ ノ ホウシャセン ボウゴイ ニ オケル トウカ Xセン スペクトル ヤ ナマリ トウリョウ,キンイツド ノ ヒョウカ

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<p> Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the protective performance of several new radiation-protective clothing and to clarify issues of quality control. Methods: The composition of the shielding elements was analyzed using X-ray fluorescence analysis, and the energy spectrum of transmitted X-rays was measured. Furthermore, the lead equivalent and uniformity were measured from the transmitted X-ray doses according to Japanese industrial standards (JIS). Uniformity was evaluated by transmitting X-ray images of each radiation protective clothing in addition to the conventional method. Results: The energy spectrum showed K-absorption edges of lead, bismuth, tin, etc., which were detected in the composition analysis. The multi-layered protective material maintained higher shielding ability at high tube voltages. In addition, X-ray images of the radiation-protective clothing showed uneven density and dots, and the differences in uniformity measurement methods and points that didn’t meet the required shielding capacity were seen. Conclusion: The current JIS does not allow accurate evaluation of the lead equivalent and uniformity, so visual evaluation of X-ray images is important. It is necessary to establish standardized standards for quality control performed by each facility.</p>



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