A review : the effects of animal welfare on beef productivity and the consumers’ demand

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  • アニマルウェルフェアが牛肉の生産性や消費者のニーズに与える影響
  • アニマルウェルフェア ガ ギュウニク ノ セイサンセイ ヤ ショウヒシャ ノ ニーズ ニ アタエル エイキョウ

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<p>In recent years, livestock production has to ensure not only productivity and economics but also animal welfare. This review summarized the effects of animal welfare on beef productivity and the consumers’ demand in beef food chain based on European researches mainly. The management practices related with animal welfare can improve beef productivity at farm level and lessen the loss of quantity and quality of beef at transport and abattoir level. Moreover, consumers regarded animal welfare as additional values for beef. As a whole, animal welfare has impacts on various aspects of beef food chain. By integrating scientific information on the effects of animal welfare on beef productivity and the consumers’ demand, we should establish the holistic beef production system which considers animal welfare, productivity and economics holistically.</p>


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