Managing the Domestic Air Passengers' Demand under Multiple Airport System

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  • 関西3空港における国内航空旅客需要に関する研究
  • カンサイ 3 クウコウ ニ オケル コクナイ コウクウ リョカク ジュヨウ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ

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<p>This paper discusses the crucial issues considering the desirable demand balance among three airports locating in Metropolitan Osaka, i.e. Kansai, Osaka, and Kobe Airports; the issues are runway capacity constraints at Kobe Airport, and unfavorable location of Kansai Airports in terms of accessibility. We apply the bi-level type network equilibrium model to domestic transport markets from/to Metropolitan Osaka. We have a few suggestions from the computation. One is that in terms of total passenger's flow, the discount of access fee to Kansai is limited, while relaxation of capacity constraints at Kobe is very effective.</p>


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