What Is and What Ought to Be "Engineering Ethics Education"?

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  • 「技術者倫理教育」とは何か また何であるべきか
  • ギジュツシャ リンリ キョウイク トワ ナニカ マタ ナンデ アルベキカ

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A decade has passed since engineering ethics education was introduced into universities in Japan. However, the present situation seems still chaotic. Because engineering ethics and education for it started as a reaction to ABET (The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) and/or JABEE (the Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education), the sense of ownership on the side of working engineers is quite immature and there is no consensus on what to teach and how to teach it. What is needed is to shift (1) from reactions to external pressures to acting on one's own initiative, (2)from trial-and-error practices by each individual instructor to collaboration among engineers, philosophers, engineering professors, and citizens. To realize these changes, engineering ethics should be regarded as a part of a social movement which aims to improve engineers' social status as professionals. The history of engineering ethics in US is briefly surveyed. That has important implications for Japan, namely, that when we think about what to teach in engineering ethics education and how it should be done, it is important to consider these problems against the background of the social systems which give substance to engineering ethics and make it work in real life situations.


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