子どもの発達と学びの連続性を共通理解するために : 保幼小合同研修プログラムについての一考察

DOI 機関リポジトリ オープンアクセス


  • Understanding the Continuity of Children’s Development and Learning: A consideration of the joint training program for early childhood and elementary educators



The purpose of this study was to examine the joint training program for early childhood and elementary educators in order to understand the continuity of children’s development and learning. The principal content of the training program was to provide experience to early childhood educators and conduct conferences on the same. Participants included six early childhood, five kindergarten, and sixteen elementary school teachers serving in the A elementary school area. Nine categories were created from participants’ impressions received after the completion of the joint training program. Examination of the nine categories suggested that the joint training program could help in understanding the continuity of children’s development and learning.


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