Thinning Effect for the Old Cyptomeria japonica Stand on the Experimental Plot in Shiraga-dake, Kagoshima Prefecture

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The thinning effects for old Sugi(Cryptomeria japonica) stand were analyzed for 20 years from 70 to 90-years old on the experimental plot in Shiraga-dake, Kagoshima Prefecture. The thinning intensity was decided by the percentage of the mean distance between stems to the mean height of the upper-trees. The four thinning intensities, that is control(unthinned), weak(13%), medium(15%) and heavy(17%), were conducted in the experimental plot. The medium and heavy thinned areas have the larger growth of the diameter and total yield volume than the weak- and unthinned areas. Therefor, the higher ratio than 15% shows the thinning effects for the old sugi stand was concluded.


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