An Exploratory Analysis of Learning English Through Virtual Study Abroad in the New Normal

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  • コロナ禍におけるバーチャル留学と英語学習意欲に関する探索的調査
  • コロナカ ニ オケル バーチャル リュウガク ト エイゴ ガクシュウ イヨク ニ カンスル タンサクテキ チョウサ

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The border has been closed to limit the further spread of coronavirus; travel restrictions set worldwide in 2021. It catapulted the virtual study abroad program to the forefront. International Virtual Study Abroad is becoming popular as a new approach to providing international experiences to Japanese students. The advantage of online education over on-site study is that it is far easier to access for a broader range of students. In this study, we analyzed the efficiency of virtual learning on students. It turned out that building a blended educational program combining virtual study abroad and domestic support is one of the solutions.


  • 大阪大学高等教育研究

    大阪大学高等教育研究 10 33-40, 2022-03-25

    Center For Education In Liberal Arts And Sciences, Osaka University

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