

  • The Purpose of Geographical Education in the Introductory Units of English Geography Textbooks
  • イギリス チリ キョウカショ ノ ドウニュウ タンゲン ニ ミル チリ ガクシュウ ノ イギ



The goal of this paper is to clarify the purpose and characteristics of the introductory units of geography textbooks in England. Every English geography textbook contains an introductory unit that discusses the purpose of geographical education and the definition or features of the geography field. In this paper, we selected the introductory units of four geography textbooks and analyzed themes and activities represented therein. Each introductory unit contains learning content on “place (location),” “human and physical geography,” and “geographical skills.” Some also have content related to “environmental issues” or “environmental geography.” All the textbooks describe the purpose of geographical education clearly and present content from the perspective of geographers. Each introductory unit conveys the basic purpose of geographical education: understanding geography knowledge, acquisition of geography skills, understanding how to study geography, thinking about one’s future through a geography lens, and developing the ability to engage in active citizenship through geography learning. Analysis of introductory units revealed that: 1. Common points and differences between the four introductory units, discovered through an analysis of unit constitution and activities; and 2. Although all four geography textbooks are compliant with the “National Curriculum Geography for England,” each introductory unit presents various studies and activities that reflect various purposes of geography learning.


  • 新地理

    新地理 63 (2), 45-56, 2015




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