Simple Identifying Highly Productive Lacquer Tree (<i>Toxicodendron vernicifluum</i>) Clones by Measuring Resin Exudate Length, Tree Growth Traits, and Leaf Characteristics

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  • 漆滲出長と成長・葉特性を用いた漆滲出量の多いクローンの簡易判別
  • シツシンシュツチョウ ト セイチョウ ・ ハ トクセイ オ モチイタ シツシンシュツリョウ ノ オオイ クローン ノ カンイ ハンベツ

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<p>Increased production and a stable domestic supply of tree lacquer from Toxicodendron vernicifluum is essential for restoring national treasures and important cultural properties in Japan. Therefore, it is beneficial to identify clones that produce large quantities of lacquer. In this study, we used DNA markers to investigate the clonal structures of lacquer trees originating from roots at seven sites in Ibaraki Prefecture. In addition, we measured the amount of lacquer produced by several tree within each clone group. We determined the relationships between resin exudate length, tree growth traits, and leaf characteristics to find indices that can be used to indirectly estimate the amounts of lacquer produced. In total, 10 clones (A-J) were detected at the sites, with about 50% of individuals belonging to clone E. We found that individual trees with clone groups tended to share characteristics that differed among clones. In particular, the amounts of lacquer production and diameter at breast height (DBH) were significantly different between clones. Clones with larger DBH values produced larger amounts of lacquer. Even at different sites, the growth and leaf characteristics of individuals within each clone group were very similar. Our study suggested that measurement of exuded resin, DBH, and leaf characteristics in individuals around 10-20 years old can be used to identify clones that produce large amounts of lacquer.</p>



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