Effect of the Heating Temperature on the Textural Properties of Sago Starch-Containing Gels Cooked from Walleye Pollack Frozen Surimi

  • SOMPONGSE Warangkana
    Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Thammasat University
  • MORIOKA Katsuji
    Laboratory of Aquatic Product Utilization, Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi University
  • YAMAMOTO Yoshinori
    Education and Research Center for Subtropical Field Science,Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi University
  • ITOH Yoshiaki
    Laboratory of Aquatic Product Utilization, Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi University

Bibliographic Information

Other Title
  • サゴヤシデンプンを添加したスケトウダラ冷凍すり身加熱ゲルの物性に及ぼす加熱温度の影響


 The effect of the heating temperature (80, 90°C) after preheating at 30°C for 30 min on the textural properties of walleye pollack frozen surimi gel with 4% sago and potato starch was investigated. The gel strength of the sago starch-added gel and the potato starch-added gel heated at 80°C was two times and three times higher than that of the control gel, respectively. On the other hand, heating at 90°C made the textural properties of all gels higher than heating at 80°C. These properties of the sago starch-added gel reached almost the same level as those of the potato starch-added gel. The L and b values (Hunter) of sago starch-added gel heated at 90°C were lower than those of the gel heated at 80°C and almost the same level as those of the potato starch-added gel. Using a natural scanning electron microscope, it was observed that the size of sago starch granules in the 90°C-heated gel was larger than that in the 80°C-heated gel, although the potato starch granules in the 90°C-heated gel were similar in size to those in the 80°C-heated gel. The above results showed that, when sago starch-added surimi is heated to 90°C rather than 80°C, the gel properties become almost the same as those of potato starch-added gel. This is probably because the sago starch granules swell more at 90°C than at 80°C.


  • Sago Palm

    Sago Palm 14 (2), 53-58, 2006

    The Japanese Societ of Sago Palm Studies

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