

  • Model EV-X, Dry Vacuum Pump for Middle Harsh Process


<p>In the pursuit of miniaturization of devices, semiconductor manufacturing processes have developed nanometer-order microfabrication technology and three-dimensional processing technology, and as manufacturing technology evolves, it has become significantly more complex. Furthermore, while semiconductor manufacturing processes are evolving and production volumes are increasing, there is also the issue of increasing environmental burdens such as CO2 emissions during the manufacturing process. In 2021, we launched dry vacuum pump, Model EV-X which flexibly responds to the diversity and complexity of the evolving semiconductor manufacturing process and reduces environmental impact. Model EV-X has a wide range of process applicability due to its high flow performance and wide range temperature control function. And also contributes to reducing CO2 emissions through its smaller footprint and energy-saving performance.</p>


  • 表面と真空

    表面と真空 67 (4), 169-171, 2024-04-10

    公益社団法人 日本表面真空学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

