Learning Effectiveness and Usability Evaluation of 360° Video Materials for Cultural Awareness:

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  • 文化的気づきを促す360°動画教材の学習効果とユーザビリティ評価
  • 文化的気づきを促す360°動画教材の学習効果とユーザビリティ評価 : 看護系大学の学部生と大学院生を対象として
  • ブンカテキ キズキ オ ウナガス 360°ドウガ キョウザイ ノ ガクシュウ コウカ ト ユーザビリティ ヒョウカ : カンゴケイ ダイガク ノ ガクブセイ ト ダイガクインセイ オ タイショウ ト シテ
  • A Study of Undergraduate and Graduate Students at a College of Nursing
  • -看護系大学の学部生と大学院生を対象として-

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 The purpose of this study was to evaluate the learning effectiveness and usability of 360° panoramic video materials for promoting “cultural awareness” as active learning. 37 students (19 undergraduate and 18 graduate students) enrolled in two nursing colleges were surveyed before and after viewing the videos. Learning effectiveness was evaluated on 25 items of four learning objectives. Mann-Whitney U test was used to analyze the pre- and post- changes. Usability was evaluated in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction. Both undergraduate and graduate students showed a significant increase in the percentage of goal achievement after viewing the materials. The usability of the 360° panoramic video was also rated highly in all three categories, confirming some learning effectiveness as a teaching tool for promoting cultural awareness.


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