オリゴ糖の製法開発と食品への応用 = Development of production methods of oligosaccharides and their applications for foodstuffs
Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "オリゴ糖の製法開発と食品への応用 = Development of production methods of oligosaccharides and their applications for foodstuffs"
- Statement of Responsibility
- 早川幸男, 中久喜輝夫監修
- Publisher
- シーエムシー出版
- Publication Year
- 2012.3
- Book size
- 27cm
- Other Title
- オリゴトウ ノ セイホウ カイハツ ト ショクヒン エノ オウヨウ = Development of production methods of oligosaccharides and their applications for foodstuffs
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130282269475460224
- NII Book ID
- BB09399125
- 9784781305493
- Text Lang
- ja
- Country Code
- ja
- Title Language Code
- ja
- Place of Publication
- 東京
- Subject
- NDLSH: オリゴ糖類
- Data Source
- CiNii Books