Conceptualizing Technology Professional Development for Non-traditional Teacher Educators: The Case of Primary Teacher Education in Malawi

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There is an increased attention to technology professional development (hereafter, TPD) for teacher educators in many countries. However, it appears that how teacher educators are defined is likely to undermine recent research efforts stressing the importance of TPD that can build technology competencies for all teacher educators. Specifically, definitions of teacher educators limited to only those academic professionals in schools, colleges, and departments of education exclude other educators that can be categorized as non-traditional teacher educators. Based on literature review and policy study, this paper uses an illustrative case in Malawi to articulate TPD for non-traditional teacher educators. The findings show that roles of non-traditional teacher educators are similar to the roles of traditional teacher educators and in most cases, the two groups collaborate in teacher education. It is therefore argued that the aspects of TPD for non-traditional teacher educators should be like those for traditional teacher educators. However, a suggestion is also made that efforts to conceptualize TPD for non-traditional teacher educators should pay attention to the diversities of sub-groups that constitute non-traditional teacher educators. This is because non-traditional teacher educators illustrated in this case study perform other roles that are distinct from traditional teacher educators. By extending the definition of teacher educators to educators that are rarely identified as teacher educators in policy and research, this case study is insightful for current international research calls to identify professional development activities that can build technology competencies for all teacher educators. Limitations and implications for further research are also raised.


  • 国際協力研究誌

    国際協力研究誌 27 (1-2), 51-63, 2021-03-01


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