Improvement for Compatibility of High Durability and High Efficiency of Straight-fiber-type Pneumatic Artificial Muscle

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  • 軸方向繊維強化型空気圧式ゴム人工筋肉の長寿命高効率化のための形状検討
  • ジク ホウコウ センイ キョウカガタ クウキアツシキ ゴム ジンコウ キンニク ノ チョウジュミョウ コウコウリツカ ノ タメ ノ ケイジョウ ケントウ

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<p>Recently, many devices driven by pneumatic actuators have been developed. In additions, many researches on pneumatic artificial muscles focusing on characteristics such as flexible operation, light weight and high output have been conducted. These artificial muscles were limited in their application range due to their durability and the necessity of an air pressure source. Therefore, in this research, as another approach apart from the improvement of the air pressure source device, we propose hollow artificial muscle with high efficiency and high durability.</p>



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